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Office hours: Mon-Fri (0930 - 1600) Tel: 0800 612 882

Appropriate Adults Support Services

Appropriate Adults Support Services

Care Wings provides an impartial Appropriate Adult Service aimed at ensuring that individuals who require assistance (difficulty understanding or communicating) during police interviews or other legal proceedings have someone by their side to safeguard their rights and provide support. individuals who may have their rights and needs.

We act as a neutral and independent presence, ensuring that the individual being interviewed fully understands their rights and the process they are going through. We also help bridge communication gaps between the individual and law enforcement officials.

The role of an appropriate adult is particularly important when supporting individuals at risk, such as those with mental health issues or learning disabilities. In these cases, it is essential to have someone who understands their unique needs and can advocate for them.

Our Appropriate Adult Service operate by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), which sets out guidelines for police interviews and safeguards the rights of individuals involved. By adhering to PACE, the service ensure that individuals receive fair treatment throughout the legal process.

Attending where an appropriate adult is needed ensures that vulnerable individuals have access to support during what can be a daunting experience. It helps to ensure fairness, protect rights, and promote effective communication between all parties involved in legal proceedings.

We strive to be accessible whenever needed, acting at short notice and recognising the urgency that may arise in certain situations. This ensures that individuals receive appropriate support promptly and that their rights are protected throughout the process.

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