Welcome to Care Wings

Welcome to Care Wings

Care Wings is a CQC-registered domiciliary home care provider (Care Agency) based in Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, regulated to provide personal care. Our home care service is a great alternative compared to being in a residential or nursing home. We aim to assist people living in their homes to continue doing so as long as possible.

Care Wings prides itself on working with you to tailor the support you desire, focusing on your strengths. We see you as an individual.

We also actively work with other providers and professionals to complement the services you are currently providing to individuals. We believe these partnerships help individuals to have genuine choices and promote independence. Our care agency prides itself on providing flexible care solutions, which are person-centred, meet needs, and offer value for money to Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire and beyond residents.

Our ethos includes respecting people who use our services, working in partnership, promoting dignity, and providing culturally appropriate and holistic services. We are committed to ‘Caring as it should be’.

We provide live-in care, emergency care at home, carer companion and respite services for informal carers (family, friends, neighbours etc.). Care Wings has helped many people to continue living in the community with our domiciliary home care support. Some of our services include assisting people unable to access community-based activities such as the cinema, church, gym, swimming, clubs, and educational services. We work with you using our person-centred and human rights approach to remove barriers. We aim to support you with our home care service to continue enjoying and experiencing your hobbies or interests.

Care Wings will arrange care workers to support and escort you to the hospital, GP, or other community appointments. We can also assist you with arranging holidays in the United Kingdom and abroad.

Care Wings is committed to caring, being transparent, and being a reliable partner for your care needs. We specialise in care outside the box that promotes quality of life, independence, and active participation in activities available to other citizens. Your care should be how you like it to be. We focus on what you can do, not what you can not do.

Companionship and Befriending Services


Companionship and befriending services to promote well-being and prevent isolation.

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Day Care Opportunities in the community

Day Care

Adult day care services opportunities in the community and centre-based day centres.

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carer supported assissted holidays


Carer supported holidays, trips and breaks for individuals who require personal care.

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Household Cleaning Service


Household and domestic chores assistance support including cleanning in your own home.

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shopping assistance


Personal shopping for you or with you to support you to remain enjoying the shopping expereince.

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personal care work

Personal Care

Personal care for individuals who require support to maintain personal hygiene.

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